Friday, May 8, 2009

Schools out for summer.

Today was my last day of junior year in college. I honestly can't believe that I have been in college for three years already. It seems like just yesterday I was starting out as a freshman. I can remember my first night in the dorms. I didn't know anybody and I was in bed by 10:30 p.m. Looking back, I laugh about that so much. After that night, I don't think I went to bed before midnight ever lol. I also may or may not have carried my laptop to class on the first day. Yes, this is embarrassing...but I think it just proves how everyone makes silly mistakes as a freshman.

I also realized today that I actually miss something from high school. I know, hard to believe but its true lol. In high school, on the last day of school you get to see everyone one last time before leaving for summer. People are taking pictures, signing yearbooks and getting each others cell numbers before the three month separation. Its basically a big celebration.

Today being my last day of school wasn't anything special. I worked all day and only saw a handful of my friends before they left for summer break. Yes...I love the friends that I did get to see today but there were so many more that I wanted to see before they left.

This is probably the only thing I would change about finals week if I could. I want there to be one big goodbye! I miss saying goodbye to people and seeing them one last time before the summer.

But, summer will be great and I am so excited for it...even if it is a little bittersweet. :)

1 comment:

  1. I want college yearbook day too!!! Missssss yoooooouuuuuuuu.


kmb: wild at heart.