Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hello there.

Well, after an accidental three year hiatus from the blog world, I decided to give this a shot again! I'm not sure yet what the focus of my blog will be. I'm still trying to figure myself out so this blog will probably be a mixture of some random posts as I travel on this journey as a 20-something.

As I read over some of my past posts, I was surprised embarrassed at how immature I sounded in some of my posts. Granted, I was only 21 years old and now I am on the brink of 25 so I would like to think I have grown up since then, fingers crossed.

However, one of my previous posts had a little tidbit of information that I needed to read...

"I'm waiting for that ah-hah moment. I know that sounds stupid but I'm waiting for that moment when I see someone and it just clicks. I haven't met that person that challenges me to be a better person. Or calls me out on my mistakes. Or doesn't doubt my toughness. Or has the courage to treat me like an independent woman. I'm holding out for that."

When I read this, I thought to myself... "Wow. I'm brilliant for writing that. But what happened to that girl?"

With some recent events in my life, I kind of lost myself and had to put my priorities in perspective. And I have had family and friends constantly helping me and willing me to see the light and I am forever grateful for them.

But what it really took for me to see the light of day was reading my own words and seeing how strong I can be... because I've done it before. And I can do it again.

So, with the re-vamping of this blog, along with a few other personal goals, I'm excited to start this journey to a stronger self. And I'm excited to try my hand at blogging again! We will see how long it lasts. Hopefully, I won't have anymore three year breaks!


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kmb: wild at heart.